Using Mysticism To Win The Lottery

The intention and the result are the same. These words kept repeating in my head. The integration of western occultism and eastern mysticism was being settled in my mind. There was nothing really to figure out and yet, I would find myself forgetting this sensation again and again.

A Matter Of Vibration

There has been something that I have long known, and yet the idea has never really been ingrained within me. That jewel of mystic wisdom happens to be the words: “The intention and the result are the same”. Why do I forget these simple words? If I remember everything that I desire can be made manifest in the infinite expanse that is the universe, then I sense the reality of bliss, joy and abundance naturally comes to me as I continue whatever I enjoy doing. But if I forget, then I lose the energy and fall towards the entropy reality of what still negatively plagues our society.

Described in metaphysics, is how reality is a multi-variant field of potential, dependent on whether or not awareness is conscious of the idea as proven in part, by how, in quantum physics a wave collapses into a particle when observed.

Is it then possible to shift into the timeline of the Earth where your mind has only allowed the collapsed particles of the reality where the winning lottery numbers were already manifest? The only way to know for sure, is to utilize the mind in finding out. Because certainly, if you attempt the experiment, you will find out how difficult it is to truly test the results. The mind ping-pongs back in forth from what is considered “probable” (In my case, a 1 in 1,813,028 chance of winning) to what is in your control, which happens to be the idea that you can emphatically create your reality through the energetic guidance of your vibration towards only thoughts or sensations that would arise if you knew you could win the lottery by merely thinking you knew the result.

The idea is that if the numbers are my intention, then the result might as well be the universe I desire to shift to (the “seemingly random” circumstances of my life). The numbers were being bent towards my reality instead of picking the numbers and hoping they would be present at the time of the draw. Thus, no more fear of where my money will come from, and no more fear of what is to come in the future.

Thus, I had to consider how I would feel had I known I would be winning the lottery today. It would feel amazing, it would be life changing. I would feel a huge burden has been lifted off my shoulders. Yet, my mind kept the negative assumptions up.

What if the numbers are not picked? Then aren’t I simply wasting my energy? Will I not be embarrassed when the probabilities are seen as more real than what I pretend is real in my mind? Should I not focus this energy on my work where money can be earned by helping others? What about all who are homeless and deserve this money more than I? Isn’t this a selfish endeavor to assume I can earn with no effort at all? Maybe this is not my path to win the lottery? Why not focus on anything else to raise my vibration instead?

I considered this situation for a long time. The desire that I long to be fulfilled vs the reality of achieving it. It could be applied to anything in our life. To assume the state of being of enlightenment, where all desire was fulfilled because we could assume we had it all, somehow transcends word games and the writing of the whole experience. It was a matter of vibration. A matter of trusting something that was completely foreign to how we normally perceive our reality.

I picked a day where I would largely only focus on the idea that I could change the numbers of the lottery. I seemed to hit a few numbers, and yet I concluded that the result was exactly where my intention was, for in my mind was still the overwhelming idea that this is all random and I am wasting my time and money. Things that I had to assume had no reality, still had some kind of reality over me. To become so blissfully pollyana takes a moment to moment awareness of your state of being. Can you hold the vibration of knowing you are enlightened and perfect in the way things are? Or is it more likely that you will hold onto the usual ways of slow self-improvement and low vibrational assumptions of “protecting ourselves” from the consequences of our trust in the universe? Trying it out for yourself is quite an interesting endeavor, for the embarrassment of being wrong about the universe is a constant uphill mountain of concern.

The experiment therefore, is inconclusive, because I did not use my mind in a way that could prove it to be true or untrue. However, I did in fact hit a few of the numbers I required for the jackpot, perhaps due to the fact that I was indeed focusing greatly on the idea that I had the winning numbers. Yet, as I tested the results with how I truly felt during the time I had to assume “I knew” I would win through pure conscious magic and I could not fully realize that state of being. In this, there is an ever-aloof dystopian thought warden at the gate of infinity. Where everything that seems possible is halted towards what is only seemingly probable, and what is seemingly probable soon dies in what is reflected in our world. The result of our intention.

One has to bypass that dark warden by looking only towards that gate of infinity. Where anything is possible, if one can see through to infinity. I continue to look at that endeavor with a clear mind. With enough conscious energy towards the idea, it will finally fully click.

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